Regularly driving in a car is an inescapable part of modern American life, and unfortunately, people put themselves at risk of injury in a potential motor vehicle accident every time they use the road. Due to this danger, we take steps to protect the safety of ourselves and our passengers by wearing seat belts and driving defensively. Parents also make sure to protect their children by using car seats that provide additional safety measures. However, while we trust this equipment to keep our children protected, there are many instances in which safety equipment fails, requiring a product recall.

Recent Car Seat Recalls

Child safety seats experience recalls at a rate that is likely much higher than one would expect. In 2017, there were a variety of car seat recalls that affected more than 750,000 car seats across the United States. Some recent notable recalls include:

  • In May of 2018, child booster seats produced by Harmony Juvenile Products were recalled because children using these seats were likely to experience excessive force to their chest in a crash, which could increase the chances of children being injured. This recall affects nearly 150,000 booster seats.
  • In November of 2017, car seats produced by Diono were recalled because they did not adequately protect children weighing more than 65 pounds when they were installed using only a car’s lap seat belt without a top tether. In these cases, children were likely to suffer chest injuries in a collision. This recall affected more than 500,000 car seats, and the company has provided a repair kit to owners that includes a pad that absorbs energy and a replacement chest clip.
  • In July of 2017, car seats produced by Graco were recalled because webbing used as a harness was found to sometimes break in a collision. This recall affected around 25,000 car seats, and the company has provided replacement parts to owners.
  • In June of 2017, car seats produced by Britax were recalled due to a defective chest clip that presented a choking hazard. This recall affected more than 200,000 car seats, and the company has provided a repair kit to owners.

Parents should remain aware of any product recalls that may affect their children’s safety. They can also take steps to ensure that children are protected by making sure car seats are installed correctly, that equipment has not passed its expiration date, and that straps are adjusted, positioned, and tightened correctly when securing a child in a car seat.

Contact a Cook County Car Accident Attorney

If your child has been injured because of a defective car seat, malfunctioning safety equipment, or other types of negligence by a driver or manufacturer, you should work with the Chicago personal injury lawyers at Pullano & Siporin to determine your options for pursuing compensation. We can assist with demonstrating liability for the damages that your family has suffered and ensuring that those who caused you harm are held responsible. Contact us at 312-551-1100 to arrange a free consultation.


All The Car Seats That Were Recalled in 2017

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